Ape Moon

Ape Moon Official
2 min readJul 14, 2021


To be the first documented cryptocurrency from start to launch on social media. Our mission is to provide educational content and by doing so, make the crypto industry more safe and transparent for everyone. Being the first to market with this strategy, we want to inspire future crypto devs to take the same path to reduce the number of scams in the crypto industry. Our strategy was inspired by Reddit’s GME short squeeze, where WSB was the first community to take a stand against the status quo of Wall Street. To support the movement, Apemoon will donate 1% of Apemoon tokens to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund to support the conservation of our fellow apes.


During the GameStop short squeeze, investors on r/wallstreetbets did something extraordinary. They decided to donate a large portion of their profits to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, showing that this movement was more than just about money. Around 3500 Gorillas were adopted due to this movement. The goal with $APE is to continue this trend as the creators of $APE have pledged to donate 1% of $APE tokens to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund in order to support the conservation of Gorillas.


Through the founder’s Tik Tok, @The_Wong_Business, our mission is to create the most transparent documentary of building the next big cryptocurrency. By taking a transparent approach, Wong’s goal is to show his audience that this is the safest project out there with huge potential. Aside from Ape Moon, Wong is known for tech consulting, real estate investing, and venture capital. As a first-generation immigrant that was living in his car eight years ago, Wong is determined to show the world anything is possible by documenting the journey of this new project. Below are some of his recent marketing efforts which include introducing Ape Moon to some of the top social media influencers such as Kevin O’leary, Andrei Jikh, Faze Banks, and more…


Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/nkcdq9JZofQ2NWY1

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ApeMoonToken

Discord: http://discord.gg/jGkRrPYdxp

Website: https://www.apemoon.net

Dev’s Tiktok account: https://www.tiktok.com/@the_wong_business



Ape Moon Official

The first-ever documented token in crypto space. Making it more transparent and safe for everyone.